The Toledo Grid Toledo

I-TEAM: Internal investigation details revealed after firefighters accused of “arguing” over call response

The Toledo firefighter who was given a three-day suspension for arguing with a dispatcher over going to a call, now, won’t have to serve those days off. Toledo firefighter Lieutenant James Martin III was suspended for three days for arguing with a dispatcher over a call. The city's safety director stated that these days will not need to be served. The I-TEAM has seen the internal investigation into the incident, which revealed that Engine 25 was dispatched to help a child with breathing difficulties, arguing that another engine was actually closer. An administrative hearing found Martin guilty of inefficiency and malfeasance by delaying the response. The firefighter union appealed the safety director's discipline decision, but the suspension will remain in abeyance in case there are future issues.

I-TEAM:  Internal investigation details revealed after firefighters accused of “arguing” over call response

Opublikowany : 2 miesiące temu za pomocą Shaun Hegarty w

TOLEDO, Ohio (WTVG) - The Toledo firefighter who was given a three-day suspension for arguing with a dispatcher over going to a call, now, won’t have to serve those days off.

This comes as the I-TEAM gets its first look at the explanation from that firefighter in the department’s internal investigation.

It was a three-day suspension for Lieutenant James Martin III. Wednesday the city’s safety director said those three days won’t actually have to be served

When the mother of baby Kharli Collins called for help on November 5 because the child had trouble breathing Engine 25 was dispatched and as the I-TEAM reported back in November, the incident detail report noted that Engine 25 called to argue that Engine 23 was actually closer.

The firefighter making that call was Lieutenant Martin. On November 7 he made this statement to the department explaining what happened.

“I took a quick look at the board and saw that Engine 23 was not on a run, I know the officer likes to stay out of service until his reports are done even when they are back in the station and know that our dispatchers and cad system are not top tier, I decided to call as we started on our way to the address given for the run forgetting to push the enroute button.”

This crew was dispatched at 5:29 a.m. Martin and his crew said there was no delay in the response to the call. The administrative hearing by Toledo Fire contradicted that. Engine 25 was spotted on camera going through the intersection of Central and Secor at 5:34, five minutes after dispatch. Mapping shows that the stretch of road should have only taken one minute from the station in a normal vehicle, not a fire truck with lights and sirens.

Deputy Chief Timothy Clapp said in the final report:

“You stated you spent time checking the status and location of Engine 23. You took it upon yourself to contact dispatch by your cell phone to question why Engine 23 was not dispatched and why Engine 25 was being sent. Your time spent looking into Engine 23 status as well as the unnecessary conversation with dispatch contributed to a delay in emergency response. Your action represents an inefficiency in your performance.”

“We were at Talmadge and Central when the dispatcher who was obviously offended for being asked questions asked if we were en route, at which time I hit the en route button. Much the chagrin of the dispatcher there was no delay in response.” An administrative hearing found him guilty of inefficiency and malfeasance by delaying the response.

“Martin’s indifference or lack of concern to a pediatric difficulty breathing is supported by his own submission that he would not call dispatch if he was dispatched to a structure fire.”

The firefighter union appealed the safety director’s discipline decision. Safety Director and Deputy Mayor Karen Moore decided to “reduce the impact” on Lieutenant Martin and said he wouldn’t have to serve the three-day suspension but the three days would be held in abeyance in case there are future issues.

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